Faith Center's Podcast

This morning, Pastor Aaron shares from Romans 12 about renewing of our minds and transforming our lives.

Direct download: 20-08-30_S-AM_AF.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 11:00am PST

Pastor George shares from our series on I Thessalonians about hope in anxious times and living at peace.

Direct download: 20-08-26_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

Pastor George shares from the book of James in his message on how we are shaped through trials.

Direct download: 20-08-23_S_AM_GB.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 11:00am PST

Tonight Pastor Aaron shares from 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:15 about what the young church in Thessalonica was going through.

Direct download: 20-08-19_W-PM_AF.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

Pastor George shares this morning from Joshua 1:1-9 about God's promises in transitional times.

Direct download: 20-08-16_S-AM_GB.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 11:00am PST

Pastor George shares from our series on I Thessalonians about living authentic lives.

Direct download: 20-08-12_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

This morning, Pastor Steve shares from Hebrews about beginning and enduring in faith.

Direct download: 20-08-09_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 11:00am PST

Tonight Pastor George shares out of 1 Thessalonians 1 about how these new Christians became an example of faith to others. 
Direct download: 20-08-05_W-PM__GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

Pastor George as he shares from 1 Kings 19:1-12 about how God helped Elijah during his time of struggle.
Direct download: 20-08-02_S-AM_GB.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 11:00am PST