Faith Center's Podcast

This evening, Pastor George starts a new series from Colossians. "…Christ in you, the hope of glory." Col 1:27

Direct download: 19-08-28_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

Pastor Aaron shares from Acts 27 about how God is there in the storm and His grace is still at work in and around us.

Direct download: 19-08-25_S-AM_AF.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 1:00pm PST

This evening, Pastor Jim Thomas shares from John 10:7-16 about the qualities of our good shepherd and an invitation to His shepherding ministry.

Direct download: 19-08-21_W-PM_JT.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

Julie Langenberg shares from Acts 21 about how we can stay the course for God's glory.

Direct download: 19-08-18_S-AM_JL.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 1:00pm PST

Pastor Steve shares from Acts 20:16-38 about building relationship with the Lord, self and others.

Direct download: 19-08-11_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 2:13pm PST

Pastor George shares this evening from 1 John 3:1; 4:7-5:3 about how God is light and God is love.

Direct download: 19-08-04_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

Pastor Steve shares from Acts 15 about how God bridges unnecessary divisions to create community.

Direct download: 19-08-04_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 9:29pm PST

Pastor George shares this evening from 1 John 1:1-2:11 about how God is light and God is love.

Direct download: 19-07-31_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST