Faith Center's Podcast

We read and study Psalm 139 and explore what David learns about God.

Direct download: 15-07-30_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

What are some of the things the Spirit wants to do in our lives? What is the evidence of the Spirit of Pentecost at work? Aaron Friesen reads from Acts 3:1-13 and examines a few of the things the Spirit did during Peter and John's journey. 

Direct download: 15-07-26_S-AM_AF.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 5:57pm PST

High school camp guest speaker and lead pastor from Living Word Foursquare church in Oak Harbor, Russ Schlect, brings a message.

Direct download: 15-07-19_S-AM_RS.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Am I living in a wise way? What can I do better? We take time to reflect on these questions, and Tyler Nice reads a passage from the sermon on the mount in Matthew 7:24-27, discussing how it's important for us to take time for self evaluation. 

Direct download: 15-07-15_W-PM_TN_2.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

From Weakness to Strength - We look to the Scriptures in Judges 6 to read about Gideon.

Direct download: jul12ul.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 5:26pm PST

We read together Psalm 73 and Aaron Friesen outlines a few of the things the psalmist recognized in the sanctuary of God that gave him hope in a world full of injustice.

Direct download: 15-07-08_W-PM_AF.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

What do the Scriptures say to us about how to be citizens of a nation? On this Fourth of July weekend, Pastor Steve reads from 2 Chronicles 7:12-14 and 1 Timothy 2:1-10, making note of how we can be active, faithful citizens.

Direct download: 15-07-05_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 2:37pm PST

We read in the Scriptures Psalm 8 and explore our place in the Creation.

Direct download: 15-07-01_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 9:00pm PST