Sun, 28 June 2015
Tyler Nice brings a message from Matthew 1:14-20. |
Wed, 24 June 2015
Psalm 25 - David’s Cry for Deliverance |
Sun, 21 June 2015
To begin our new series, we read about Abraham and Pastor Steve makes observations about Abrahams journey and his faith. |
Wed, 17 June 2015
We see in Luke 19:1-10 that Zacchaeus is a person who had some struggles in his life and Jesus helps him. Because of what Jesus says in the story, we can recognize that Jesus is inviting us to join Him to find help in our struggles and also to reaching other people who are experiencing difficulties as well. |
Sun, 14 June 2015
To prepare us to take communion together, Pastor Steve reads from Luke 14 and suggests three ways we can come to the table -- with humility, together and with a renewed commitment. |
Wed, 10 June 2015
Have you ever felt stuck in those "in-between" times? There are times when we know we've been delivered and are heading somewhere but currently feel stuck, burdened or weighted down. We look to the scriptures in Exodus and Pastor George talks about God's grace and provision in those trying times. |
Sun, 7 June 2015
To conclude our series, Pastor Steve talks on the big picture of healing, it's complexities and how God works in our lives today. |
Wed, 3 June 2015
God is working on us everyday to bring us of a place of maturity. So, how do we get there? Beth Barone brings a message on how we can experience a healthy perspective of God. |