Faith Center's Podcast

We read together the story of Elijah under the broom tree in the desert from 1 Kings 19:3-12.

Direct download: 13-12-29_S-AM_GB.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 1:34pm PST

Steve Overman, pastor of Eugene Faith Center, gives a sermon on Malachi 2:17-3:12.

Direct download: 13-12-22_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 3:34pm PST

On Christmas Eve, the church gathered to sing carols, hear a Christmas story and celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus.

Direct download: 13-12-24_Tu-PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

On this evening we take communion together.

Direct download: 13-12-18_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 12:00am PST

The Eugene Faith Center Kids Choir gave a wonderful performance and ushered in the Christmas season.

Direct download: 131215_KidsChoir_1.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Jim Thomas reads Psalm98 and discusses the hymn Joy to the World.

Direct download: 13-12-08_S-AM_JT.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 10:21am PST

George Boehmer reads and discusses II Corinthians 5.

Direct download: 13-12-04_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Jim Thomas, Pastor Emeritus, talks briefly about his time in SE Asia visiting missionaries then reads and discusses II Corinthian 13: 5.

Direct download: Sequence_04.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 8:19pm PST