Faith Center's Podcast

Pastor George shares from Mark 2: 1-12 where Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man.

Direct download: 19-10-30_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

Pastor Steve shares from Romans 6, 7 & 8 about walking in newness of life.

Direct download: 19-10-27_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 12:39pm PST

This evening, Pastor George shares from Mark 1:14-45 about the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Direct download: 19-10-23_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

This morning, Jackie Hudson shares from I Corinthians 13: 11-13 about what she's learned from following the Lord for five decades.

Direct download: 19-10-20_S-AM_JH.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 5:50pm PST

Pastor George starts a new series this evening on the Gospel of Mark, sharing from Mark 1:1-13.

Direct download: 19-10-16_W-PM_GB.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

This morning, Pastor Steve shares from Romans about the foundation of Salvation.

Direct download: 19-10-13_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 1:00pm PST

Pastor Joey shares this evening about remembering and feeling God's love.

Direct download: 19-10-09_W-PM_JM.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

Starting a new series in Romans, Pastor Steve shares from Romans 1:16-32 about disorder and brokenness.

Direct download: 19-10-06_S-AM_SO.mp3
Category:Sunday Mornings -- posted at: 2:00pm PST

This evening, Pastor Kathy concludes our Colossians series about practicing kingdom principles with Christ at the center.

Direct download: 19-10-02_W-PM_KR.mp3
Category:Wednesday Nights -- posted at: 10:00pm PST